Time Limited Offering…
This online mini-course opportunity is very limited and available for a short time. Get it now while you can…
This mini-course is for you if you…
✅ are interested in LIVING your most optimal life using natural and holistic approaches such as Ayurveda, yoga and meditation.
✅ want to LEARN how to perpetually renew your body's energy naturally to avoid fatigue, stress and burnout.
✅ want to MANAGE stress better yet are short on time.
✅ don't want to fight traffic or find a parking spot. You can do this online course in the comfort of your own home (in your pj's).
✅ want to FINALLY address your stress and anxiety naturally.
What you will learn in this course…
This 1 hour course centers on taking care of your body's needs in a deeply nourishing way. Here's what you'll learn ...
Learn about your body's true needs including
✔️hormonal balance
✔️gut health
✔️successful sleep strategies
✔️how much exercise you need and the optimal time of day to do so.
Learn about optimal nutrition to increase your vital energy
✔️how to improve digestion
✔️foods to avoid and
✔️food combining principles!
Part 1: Learn about your inner pharmacy ...
✔️how to use skin and body care rituals that go beyond skin deep
✔️how to nourish your largest organ of detox - your skin!
Part 2: Learn about your body's deep need for touch, and how to fulfill this need using an ancient Ayurvedic practice.
Learn how to create the perfect schedule to a perfect day by
✔️following your natural bio-rhytyms to further
✔️enhance your vital energy to prevent fatigue, stress and burnout.
✔️Practice yoga with me. This special practice will be a flow to increase vital energy and create balance within.
You will need a yoga mat or carpet for this practice.
Here we will put everything together from the mini-course so you can
✔️successfully start living your most optimal life!