Why are you here... on earth?

Why are you here?

 Have you ever wondered what your soul’s purpose is? Why you were born or what you were meant to do here on earth to lead a fulfilled life? What is a life fulfilled?

 “All of us are spiritual beings having a human experience” – Teillhard de Chardin   (French philosopher and mystic)

“Your life purpose is WRITTEN IN YOUR SOUL and is more than a career” –Mary Halima Fleming

“Everyone has a purpose in life – a unique gift to give and when we blend this with service to others we experience ecstasy” – Deepak Chopra

“Your life purpose is a gift given to you at birth” – Karine Johnston

Your life purpose is the guiding principle behind ALL the events of your life. Knowing your life purpose reveals hidden patterns and sheds new light on your relationships, career, health and well-being. Knowing your life purpose gives you direction, a sense of purpose and knowing where you are going, and energizes all of your decisions. It brings a tremendous sense of happiness and opens you up to divine wisdom.

Life purpose is not about getting your life into some optimal arrangement, nor is it about matching your capabilities and inclinations to the marketplace. Life purpose is bigger than that. Your life purpose extends beyond your ego desires. Living your life purpose means developing a state of consciousness that naturally and regularly unfolds into right life – the right life for you. Life purpose is a process, as opposed to an action taken or a final destination. Life purpose is always a work in progress.

There are helpful ways of uncovering your life purpose. Therapy work, life-coaching, doing the “morning pages” (writer’s technique) are good starts.  But…

What if you had a map to help you decipher your life purpose….

LifePrints, or hand analysis, is a technique developed by Richard Unger that is a culmination of over thirty-four years of intensive research in hand analysis and Dermatoglyphics, the science of fingerprint analysis. Mr.Unger, has read over 50,000 sets of hands and reviewed pretty much everything in the English language on the subject. What he has learned is that:

 Your fingerprints are unique in the history of the planet and unalterable since the 16th week after conception. No one on earth has ever had or ever will have the same set of fingerprints as you have. Research has shown that fingerprints form a detailed map of the person you intend to become. Reading this map brings a new perspective to the process of your life and the people in it, a larger view of your own role in your unfolding life story, a sense of clarity and focus in your life’s work.

Fingerprints are a soul-level imprint. Fingerprints are formed in utero at the same time as the soul is said to come into the body.

In short, fingerprints and your soul are intricately related and your fingerprints provide a map to your life’s true purpose.  Fingerprint analysis unlocks the code and opens the door to increased creativity, success, and fulfillment.

Mr. Unger states:… “Five months before you were born, a pattern appeared on your body, one with design characteristics similar to the wave impressions left on a beach. Call it a soul map, a holographic image, a bar-coded peek at the biological legacy of your ancestors. Consider it your [unique] transcript as you begin a new semester at the Earth University [School of Souls].”

Handprint analysis is not fortune telling. Practitioners steer clear away from predicting any future events such as telling you how many children you will have, or when you will die.

Life purpose is unique for each of us, unchangeable and fixed at birth. Handprint analysis helps reveal your unique gifts and reasons for being alive, quickly and painlessly.

The second part of hand analysis is deciphering your soul’s “Life Lessons”, and they too are encoded in your fingerprints.  Each of us has specific patterns we’re here to work on and the beauty is – it is EXACTLY what you need to work on to open the doors to your soul’s purpose.  It makes you who you are.  There are no mistakes when it comes to your Life Lessons (M. Halima).  And lessons well-learned become the gifts that support your specific Life Purpose.

I recently had my own life purpose reading, done by a wonderfully deep and gentle woman from Florida named Mary Halima Fleming, who was traveling through Massachusetts. I can tell you that though I am an intuitive person, my mind would have never led me to decipher my complete life’s purpose. This “map” has become an invaluable tool in helping me push forward in walking my life’s purpose, especially when self-doubt or confusion creeps in.

Hand analysis can be done in person or by phone, once the practitioner receives your hand prints by mail.

For more information on hand analysis and LifePrints, please visit www.handanalysis.net

For a trusted practitioner, please visit Mary Halima Fleming at www.onesoulpurpose.com.

Believe in All that you are meant to be.

“Do you think that you are a small star, while the whole universe is contained within you?  So understand, my beloved, my refuge, that God blesses you, who are protected by the Everlasting, the Eternal Creator.”  From Music of the Soul

Peace and love,

Karine Johnston

Karine Johnston