Spring Declutter and Detox

Spring is a great time to take stock of what is no longer needed in all areas of life. For some tips, please read on….

Spring has sprung so let’s get with the program!

Decluttering Your Space

Ever feel real good after getting rid of unused belongings or organizing a space? It truly is freeing to let go of possessions you no longer need! 

🎬 Take action:
Go through your closet and think about what you really wear. Are you holding onto jeans from a decade ago? Or how about a dress you’ll never wear again?
Those have got to go! If you’re not sure about an item, ask yourself these important questions: Have I worn it in the last yearIf I went shopping today, would I buy it? And most importantly, do I feel confident in it? If the answers are yes, keep it! If not, it’s time to let it go. Consider throwing out these items or donating them. Look for the nearest Salvation Army, Goodwill, or another donation drop near you.

Clearing our physical space has a direct impact on our minds. 

Decluttering your mind:

Worries and doubts happen to all of us but the more you allow negative thinking in, the less productive and passionate you become — and you deserve to be the truly productive, passionate, and the amazing person that you are.  

🎬 Take action:
Pick up a pen and write down five things that you’re going to let go from your mind this spring. This could be anything that doesn’t serve you — toxic thoughts and conversations, negative self-talk, fears that are holding you back from achieving your dreams. Anytime you find these thoughts popping into your mind, think back to this list and your intention to let it go. The more you release negativity and worry, the more space you have to embrace new challenges, positivity, and love!


Decluttering your body, ie. detox:

Your body goes through detoxification every day, every hour, every minute, and every second! It's one of your liver's main jobs...and it's a big one! Your liver is constantly processing everything that's in your food, water, and environment to clean your system and keep your body healthy. It is now time to switch to a cleansing diet. 

🎬 Take action:
Out with the heavy and warming winter foods, and in with the astringent and cooler spring foods. 
Spring is a time to favor eating more salads, beans and berries to really rid the body of accumulated winter gunk (like spring cleaning your 🚗).

Here's a list of foods to favor in Spring: leafy greens, like kale spinach, and collard greens; herbs like ~ milk thistle, cilantro, rosemary, basil, turmeric, cinnamon, cayenne and ginger; veggies like fennel, mushrooms, endives, broccoli, Brussels sprouts; lentils; fruits like berries and apples (especially green apples due to high malic acid); and seeds like chia and flax.

Decluttering spiritually:

This spring, spend time in nature noticing the burgeoning leaves, the birds signing etc. Actually, stop to smell the flowers. Pause at a body of water, whether its a river, pond, creek or stream and take a few deep breaths. Inhale and just "be" for a few moments. These practices are very soothing to our soul.

On a side note, I’m currently hard at work creating online courses that will be available via by the end of 2019, maybe sooner.

I am super pumped 💃🏼  to bring you content via this new educational platform 😁😄😃

There will be classes on well-being including how to create a holistic life that integrates body, mind and spirit; how to really do self care;  Ayurvedayogameditationcaring for mental health holistically; holistic care for pets etc.

Finally I will get the chance to share with you all that I've learned and integrated in my 24 years of practice in a very practical and meaningful way.   So stay tuned  for these wonderful developments.... I can’t wait to share these with you.

I’m creating these classes as we speak, so it’s a perfect opportunity for you to get your voice heard. What would you enjoy learning about that is wellness related, in a structured and organized online format?
🎬 Take action: please respond by emailing your input. And please forward this post to a friend who enjoys the topic of decluttering and detoxing!

What I’m loving right now…

Everything and anything to detoxify my body and skin using herbs such as cilantro, cayenne, ginger.... Green juices and smoothies with astringent foods like kale, spinach to reduce accumulated water weight from the winter season...
I drink a shot of ACV (apple cider vinegar) first thing in the morning to help flush out the liver (1 TBS ACV with a sprinkle of cayenne pepper - not for the faint of heart - but great to boost metabolism).
And products to exfoliate and get rid of dead winter skin, like lactic acid.

Green Smoothie Recipe
to cleanse, detoxify and alkalinize your system

1 cup coconut water
3 cups spinach or kale 
1 banana
1/2 c raspberries
juice a half lemon

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Until next time,

Be well my friend.

Karine x

Karine Johnston