Setting Intentions for 2020
It’s THAT time of year… time to set new year’s resolutions. But if you are like me, you’re not a huge fan of making resolutions as we rarely stick to them!
Over the years I have found that I’m more successful at making intentions rather than resolutions for each new year.
That’s because … and this applies to me and to you …there's nothing about you that needs to be resolved! You are amazing just the way you are. There’s nothing wrong with you.
Resolutions imply something wrong and sets you up for behavior that is self-punishing.
Intentions imply growth and set you up with hope and positivity. They give you something to guide your actions, but in a growth kind of way (not punitive).
Here are a few tips for setting your intentions for 2020.
Before you begin setting your intentions for the upcoming year, take time to reflect on the previous one. Close your eyes and remember all of your goals, accomplishments, struggles, and joys of 2019. Think about where you were a year ago. Take a moment to truly feel grateful for yourself and for the people who have supported you this past year.
Next, begin to imagine yourself a year from now. What does your life look like? What incredible things do you want to achieve THIS year? Imagine your physical and mental health, your relationships, maybe your impact in your community, your spirituality ~ think about all of the streams of joy in your life. Maybe you simply want to add more of the happiness that already exists! Or maybe you want to approach something challenging in your life with a different attitude. Spend a few minutes alone to focus deeply on yourself and the ways you can add more good things to your life this year.
Next, write down a few clear and concise ideas you may want to focus on this year, in order to achieve what you just imagined. These thoughts are your intentions! When you begin setting your intentions, think of things that will bring you closer to a better version of yourself. You- version 2020. When you're living in the most positive version of your life, you'll invite all of that joy you just imagined into your everyday. Intend on things that will put you on course for achieving the life you desire in the coming months. And try to stretch beyond just your physical form. Do include your mental and emotional health, your social conscience, and your connection with your community and something much larger than yourself.
Finally, remove yourself from the idea that results are your only measure of success. Trust the process… that's when your true growth will occur! Your story is unique, be proud of it! Your success will come in many forms, so be mindful of the little ways you can acknowledge it. Take time each day to feel grateful and to give yourself meaningful compliments. Also, continue to live in the present. You can't change the past so live as your best self in the present!
I wish you best all the best in 2020 and I hope you set your intentions alongside me this year.
To get a glimpse of my 2020 intentions, please see below…
My 2020 Intentions…
1. HONESTY… I commit to be honest in everything that I say and do both personally and professionally.
2. GROWTH…I will continue educating myself on holistic topics that are healthy, whole, and natural so I can continue helping others elevate their well-being physically, psychologically and spiritually
3. SOCIAL CONSCIENCE AND GIVING BACK… I will continue offering scholarships to my programs and donating proceeds to animal charities close to my heart (ASPCA, Best Friends, Soi Dog)…
4. KINDNESS… I will be kind to myself (as part of my self-care, even in my thoughts about myself), be kind to my loved ones, my pets, all earth animals, the earth, my clients and customers… ie. I will be kind to ALL in words and actions, and I will be welcoming in speech, written word and video.
5. POSITIVE ATTITUDE… I will continue uplifting others, only speaking positivity and avoid negative and gossipy environments.
6. PROMOTE HOLISTIC WELL-BEING… I will continue educating others on the benefits of a holistic lifestyle and I will continue “walking the talk”.
7. LIVE WITH INTEGRITY… I will live with integrity and according to my values, even when its hard, difficult or uncomfortable to do so.
I know I can do this! I believe in myself.
Here’s to your best year yet! Cheers.
Karine Johnston LICSW CCA